Monday 9 May 2011

These are photos from my trip to Granada. At that time I really enjoyed myself with my camera, the light was good, the city in general is full of life and colours.

 I tried to make some shots of the people in the streets as they walk past, it was not that easy though, I need more experience to be able to take some better shots. It was fun trying though. Also, my friends got used to being around me and my camera which made it easier for me. Yet I feel I am becoming more free with my camera in public spaces, even when it feels like it might be disturbing for other people I try to just go for it. While walking around Granada me and my friends were very abruptly photographed by someone in the street as well which made me relax more myself.

     This is a cut out of a bigger photograph, similar composition to the one below.                                

                                Arab market in the center of Granada

 I really wish I had not cut his nose off, it would have been a way better photo. It's a good lesson to keep my camera lens zoomed which would make it possible to crop the wanted photo out later.

 These photo's seemed useless to begin with, the bar we were in was very dark which made it difficult yet I managed to fix them afterwards and I am quite happy with the result.

                               These required a lot of altering colour wise.

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